Frankenstein table

This month, along with the usual halloween event, a new item was introduced, the Frankenstein Table. You can create your personal Frankenstein collecting body parts around the map and have him to protect you or just follow you around the map.

Explosions around the map

Patrol helicopter had an hard time this month to flight around the map, there were a lot of activitiy around a big base next to the river. At launch site the situation was not too much different, Bradley struggled to proctect the area.

Red dragon skin

Red dragon skin is one of the most beatufil skin ever created in Rust, use it in your base and you won't regret it.


Sometimes bugs are funny, sometimes are really annoying, this month it was kind of 50/50.

Fortresses around the map

Some player was not secure enough with "just" one stone compound and metal fences. Well, another layer of compound plus metal barricades plus some turrets around should do the job!
Two wall layers is better than one